Out with the Old, in with the New

5 10 2009

     Apple’s new 3.1 release has new features and bug fixes, but has newly reported bugs. The bugs include unordered podcasts, random freezes/shut downs (which happened to me), wifi problems, and decreased battery life.

     I said before, it has been reported that podcasts are trading places with each other so they are out of order. It’s like if you were doing a science fair procedure and listed the steps in this order: 3,5,1,4,2. To clear things up that is how the podcasts get order, just an example. The second reported bug is random freezing or shutting down. Earlier today I picked up my phone and couldn’t get my phone to react to any button presses. Even moving the vibrate switch didn’t cause the phone to vibrate. After some time I had my phone plugged in and I was holding the sleep button. The screen went white for two seconds and went to the lock screen. No Apple logo or anything. This has happened to many people, and unfortunately multiple times a day for others. Third, few people are unable to discover WiFi networks. Manually searching may work after many tries. Last, and after almost all updates, decreasing battery life. It is not very significant, but it’s happening. The iPhone’s battery life is getting smaller and smaller. I suggest to put your brightness settings below half way. My settings are always the lowest with auto-brightness on. When you change it though, make sure it’s still legible and won’t damage your eyes. Also, turn WiFi off when you’re not at home, work, or whatever. Leaving it on causes it to always look for WiFi.
     That’s it for today. The choice to upgrade to 3.1 (if you haven;t already) is up to you. As 3.1 comes with MMS, it has it’s downfalls. If you already upgraded to 3.1, save all of your contacts to your email and do a restore (via iTunes). That should put it back to the factory default firmware. If that doesn’t restore it try Google. Thanks for reading and comment if you encounter more bugs.



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